Contemporary British & American literature

A new 'summer course' we are offering in 2015, one for students at
high school, and another for adults. Using modern literature we aim
to make the lessons fun, interesting and informative. Whilst the focus
will be on speaking activities there'll also be moments of grammar
revision, phrasal verb use, and idiomatic language explanation. There
will be some chapters to read at home each week and during
the meetings we will discuss the themes, language, characters
and storyline together.
The maximum number for each course is 6 people, ensuring everyone
gets the opportunity to practise their English during the meetings.
high school, and another for adults. Using modern literature we aim
to make the lessons fun, interesting and informative. Whilst the focus
will be on speaking activities there'll also be moments of grammar
revision, phrasal verb use, and idiomatic language explanation. There
will be some chapters to read at home each week and during
the meetings we will discuss the themes, language, characters
and storyline together.
The maximum number for each course is 6 people, ensuring everyone
gets the opportunity to practise their English during the meetings.
course 1:
Students aged 16 - 19
6 hours per week
From 15th June, every Monday & Thursday 10.30 - 12pm
course 2:
Adults (minimum intermediate level of English)
6 hours per week
From 15th June, every Monday and Thursday 14.00 - 15.30
20 hours - €240 includes cost of material
To enroll: [email protected]
Students aged 16 - 19
6 hours per week
From 15th June, every Monday & Thursday 10.30 - 12pm
course 2:
Adults (minimum intermediate level of English)
6 hours per week
From 15th June, every Monday and Thursday 14.00 - 15.30
20 hours - €240 includes cost of material
To enroll: [email protected]